Local coffee shops are best. I remember a fondness for European shops, but it's been six years since I've graced the cobbled steps of Old Madrid and Barcelona. As for the Stateside establishments, I'm all for Starbucks and their overpriced coffee simply because it tastes decent and it's convenient, but there's something about discovering a smaller business that only the locals know about. It's exciting to me, the idea that one can make friends with the people who come to a coffee shop on a daily basis for the same reasons. Community in this particular environment is essential; I love being enveloped by the low-din of strangers whispering their conversations, and I love the soft music that plays, followed by the jingle of the change being dropped in the drawer, or the blender whirring to process something cold and icy. These musings make me miss my college hot-spots, as well as the two a.m. excursions to taste churros y chocolate in the cafes in Spain, but I'm thrilled to explore Arequipa in a couple months and encounter all it has to offer in the way of my favorite beverage and hang-out locales. Until then, I will endeavor to enjoy the time I have in America as I scope out the locals' go-to places.
Much love and coffee....