
Forgotten love.

"She's forgotten her first love.....He's forgotten that she ever went away and broke His heart."

Just a quick thought as these lyrics of a Third Day song called "Gomer's Theme" echo in my room at this late hour: How many times in this life have I walked away and sought after something that isn't of Christ Jesus? More than I can remember, actually.

I just finished reading Hosea. I love this book--the imagery, the metaphor, the stories woven into it. I can see Hosea walking up, perhaps defiantly, perhaps exuding sadness--nevertheless, he has to pay to retrieve his wife after she has left him.

Christ died on the cross for our sin. Period. It is finished, it is completely paid up.

And yet over the last 15 months I've been brought to my knees in repentance more times than I can count, and that is still not enough. I'm Gomer. I'm Israel...I have a tendency to wander sometimes. I come back home because He has allured me and spoken tenderly to me (chapter2). He reminds me of His grace, of His ever-lasting, never-failing love. And I go home.

One of the things God has taught me a lot about recently is that I'm not perfect. It's one of those truths you always hear, but you have some moments in life where it is hammered into you a bit more; this is one of those moments. I'm not saying I want to wander from God. I'm saying that in my time of questioning, of doubting, of wondering what it is I really believe in, God is faithful to always come after me and remind me of His grandeur. Who He is and who we are to Him. Gomer, Israel...wandering prostitutes and unfaithful lands...But by His promise, a child of the King, a sheep with a shepherd who will always, always come after us.

Hosea 6:3; 14:4-5..............................Redemption. Rain. Grace. Healing.

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