
Better late than never.

I have been meaning to write again since before time in Virginia ceased to be. Alas, this obviously didn't happen. Instead, time was spent mostly with friends. Potential precious moments accumulated more quickly as time passed increasingly fast. I can only say to friends left behind, about to be scattered: Thank you so very much for blessing my life. Each of you made the last two months wonderfully beautiful. The love of Christ is exemplified in His Church, and my heart is full resting in the knowledge that our love for one another was and is so glorifying to God. I miss you all very much and anticipate when I get to see everyone again. 

As I sit here listening to "Soundtracks of Li(ves)" that various folks gave me, I am reminded of how humbled and awed I am at being able to claim such friendships that span the globe. The most magnificent thing is that we are all working for a common purpose, and our bond is in Christ Himself. We are suspended together in time that was spent in sweet communion with one another and with the Lord Himself. 

Something God has taught me recently: I cannot live by "what ifs." I can't worry about future "what ifs," and I must live in the present. I must be vulnerable to this moment and praise God for where I'm at NOW, and for what He's preparing me to do in ministry in the coming years. 

The theme of leaving is still prevalent in life. My heart aches for those I leave behind, yet I am thrilled to be moving on. People ask me "Am I excited????" I never know what to say, except this: I am excited to know that I am doing what God has called me to do for this season in life. It isn't a jump-off-the-wall-excitement per-say, because I'm not necessarily excited about the hardships I am about to face; however, I go into this season with great expectation that God will move mountains. I know that He is going before me, behind me, and that He will be beside me as I leave the States to make a new home in Peru. 

Here is something from Don Miller's Through Painted Deserts. I copied it in my journal a few months ago because I knew it would continue to speak to me through these months as I prepare to move my life to South America. Praise God that He is allowing me to leave to follow Him. After all, it isn't my life anyway....I go where He goes. 

"I could not have known that everybody, every person, has to leave, has to change like seasons....Everybody has to leave, everybody has to leave their home and come back so they can love it again for all new reasons....It might be time to change, to shine out....I want to repeat one word for you: Leave....Don't worry. Everything will still be here when you get back. It is you who will have changed."

Then the Lord told me this: 
Just go. I am with you every second of every day. Leave in search of more of me. You will find me, because I'm everywhere. It's that simple. But believe, and put one foot in front of the other in faith that I go before and come behind. This life is about me after all. I just take you along for the ride. 


Cade said...

stop spitting on me you firey yama!

susan said...

awesome junco, awesome......so profound.....yet you were able to describe how I am feeling better then even I could.....that's why we're friends

Lydia said...

I was reading over your blog tonight here in Pittsburgh. Which granted is not another country, but still completely foreign and a whole new mission field. You really uplifted and encouraged me.
I'll be praying for you.

